" Hands of Hope "  Ministries



The Man - The Healer

Bio-energetic Healing – Explained  

Bio-energetic healing is the application of biological energy for practical constructive purposes.

Bio-energetic healing works at the level of the subtle bodies to cause a healing to take place from the most primary level of a disease's origins.

The body and its components all run on energy. The subtle bodies are various levels of energy that pervade and surround the physical body. They can be seen by the sensitive trained eye as an aura around the body.

Conventional medicine is directed at treating the body. When the body improves, this is reflected in the aura. Bio-energetic healing is aimed at correcting the aura . When this happens, the balanced healthful condition is reflected both in the body and emotions.

Donald possesses a remarkable talent. A gift. He is able to use his will to collect bio-energy, which is plentiful in the universe, and transmit this vital force to others through the aura. This often fixes problems in the body's energy structure, possibly before they manifest in the physical.

Donald looks closely at the client's aura seeking any absence or weakness in the energy field. He rarely touches the patient but rather projects bio-energy from one to two feet away while remaining in a semi-trance state. Energy is emitted from his open palms and fingertips in broad movements over the body. Fresh energy is poured into the areas of the aura that need it to restore the field to a strong equalized state. The physical body absorbs the energy and, as a consequence, is healed.


The client usually feels little pinpricks of energy as Donald passes his hands over his or her body. This is a sign that the body is receiving needed energy. It is a fascinating experience.

Donald can not heal everyone. People are helped to different degrees, depending on their ability to absorb and assimilate the energy he transmits through the aura.  But many of his clients are dramatically improved .

Donald promises to do all he can to heal everyone who comes to him for help.


My Mission & Vision Statement

This practice was founded on basic

spiritual principles.  I will serve with

the spirit of excellence, with integrity

and compassion for my community, our nation

and our world.  I will
serve those who are lost

broken with the utmost
dignity and respect. 

  - Being accountable for my actions.
  - Treating each person with dignity & respect.
  - Encouraging personal growth by empowering people.
  - Leaving a legacy of hope and promise to future generations.

My mission is not only to heal, but to encourage and empower people…

“Each of us walk a path lined with constant barriers that we must negotiate.  Our ability to continually    

         negotiate that path, comes directly from our faith, our belief in whatever guides us.”

“May the spirit that guides you, continue to strengthen you on your journey towards your destiny…”