" Hands of Hope "  Ministries

"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
        Matthew 21:22


Are you ready to help others...


We all have the ability to heal.  Some will have to study, practice and continue to develop their skills every day.  We start with the good intentions believing that we are only channels of healing energy.  We are not healers. 
We have an ability and it is our destiny to help others.
Even the medical profession now sends patients to
Energy Healers.  Even though they do not understand what we are accomplishing, doctors are now seeing that when we cooperate with each other, we can accomplish great things. 

It is not about the methods - it is about the results...

You can feel the power of healing by trying the following exercise;

Start by sitting comfortably and placing your hands, open with palms facing up on your lap, close to your knees.  Relax and start breathing slowly and deeply.  Feel the energy entering your body with every breath, and in a couple of minutes, you will feel the energy in your hands.  It will probably feel like tingling.  That energy which you feel, is flowing through you and through your hands, you can then direct it to someone else.  The positive energy in the universe will fill the void, or replenish the energy needed.  This is of course, a simple way of explaining energy healing.  There is much more for you to learn.  It took me approximately three years of practice to develop skills that made me comfortable enough to work on others.  Remember, there is no one simple way, or method, you just eventually feel what is right, what will work. 

We have yet to tap fully in to the amazing world of healing.  We are operating on limited knowledge.  But we will go on.